What you should take with you to university that you have never thought of!

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I know this may seem a little early but trust me, preparation is key! I remember my friend ringing me going nuts because on A-Level results day, Argos had ran out of the shoe racks and storage boxes she wanted. It can be stressful, so prepare yourself now! I wanted to make the list of things you would know about and also some things that you may not even think of but it makes perfect sense to do so. Also, if worst comes to worst and you do not get into university (which you probably will) at least you have a lot of necessary items!

  • A bag - I'm not joking, so many of my friends forgot to buy a bag for university and had nothing to carry all of their stuff they had bought (which most of you honestly don't need). Make sure it is durable and wont drop to pieces, you will be carrying a lot of stuff from campus to campus.
  • Stationery - Pencil case, HP pencils, pens in different colours, markers, rubber, ruler and pencil sharper is all you will really need (unless you are doing a creative course in which you will have to change things accordingly)
  • Keys - You will not believe how many people I know who didn't have a key for their own home and who waited at university until their parents/flatmates got in.. get a key, it's a new lease of freedom! Also, if there is no one in the house it's a great place to revise!
  • Money - You never know when you're going to be caught short with money so make sure to keep an extra £5 in your bag or even behind your phone case. You may have forgot your bus pass, getting a sandwich and forgot your card.. this happens all of the time!
  • Phone case - Speaking of phone case.. get yourself one! It is an amazing place to store student cards and money if you ever want to go out without a bag or just hate using a purse like I do
  • Water bottle - Water is usually free on campus so fill it up instead of paying 80p from the vending machine or £3 on a coffee.. Possibly carry one of those mini squeezy bottle of Ribena?
  • Glasses - If you wear glasses, make sure you have a spare pair. They can easily break or you can misplace them and you're literally at university for no reason because you can't see.
  • Prescription - Don't forget it, especially if it's important. Keep a packet or a bottle in your bag, just incase you forgot to take it when you were supposed to or if you've ran out.
  • Memory pen - So many people forget their memory pen and end up not being able to save their work or continue with any work they had been doing.. If you know this is going to be a faff on with you forgetting it, you can always email yourself or use Google Drive.
  • Student Card - I forget to bring this to university almost every day but honestly, it's a staple. Without it you may not be able to borrow or return books (which you will get a fine), get into certain places or get student discount for any of those after lecture shopping trips!


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