Worrying about your A-Level exams? 5 easy ways to help you combat your nerves!

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So A-Level exams are less than a month away and this time last year, I was in your position. I used to sit on the end of my bed tirelessly making revision notes and flash cards for Psychology whilst my boyfriend played on the Xbox all night. Taking note of this one bit of information, my huge top tip for revision would be to be comfortable. If my boyfriend wasn't there, I would constantly be texting him and when I was revising he was not a distraction at all for example, when he was sick of the Xbox he would come sit next to me and watch a film I totally hated but what he loved and put earphones in so I wasn't distracted and it was just really nice and made me really enjoy revision.. Thanks James!

If you're not revising, I suggest you start now or once you've read this post. Please don't procrastinate like I did weeks on end, you just start to stress yourself out.

I am going to make a revision/exam post during the week about exam and revision tips but for now I want to help you battle the stress of revision or if you're worrying.

  • Get yourself a technique - Having a way in which you revise effectively can save time and stress. The different techniques you can have will be up in my next exam post during the week but if you know yours already please carry on but otherwise, there are a lot of websites that can help you with finding out what sort of learner you are and how you will revise best.
  • Suck up to your teachers - (Even if you hate them). I had one teacher I really did not like and I'm not sure she liked me up until I commented on her dress. I needed some help with one of my assessments and she just did not care but knowing she was interested in fashion, I told her I loved her dress and asked her loads of questions and miraculously, the day after, I had a feedback sheet with loads of bits of information which could help me and all of our assignments were marked and given back to us the next day (I must have put her in a really happy mood!). You really shouldn't have to do this to get teachers help but if its a must, it's needed. 
  • Look at reports from past exams - In my college, we were highly encouraged to look at the syllabus for what we needed to know for the exam but the syllabus was the bane of my life and I hated it. But looking at examiners reports from previous exams gave me inside knowledge about what they were looking for and what people missed out, not explained in the syllabus and it therefore makes you know a little bit more about the topic and makes you feel more confident.
  • Drink water - Having a good drink of water really does help and just makes you feel more perky and ready to go. I drank a lot of caffeine as most people do before exams and I was bouncing off the walls!
  • Eat well - Feeling sick with nerves and being under pressure is not a good feeling but especially if you've had a big feast the night before revising or an exam, you may feel even more ill and will not feel motivated and therefore feel bad in yourself.


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